EllisDon illegally moves fence down to water's edge to deliberately endanger swimmers and paddlers

Some time ago a fence was erected all the way around West Island at Ontario Place at the high-water mark, in compliance with maritime law and other applicable laws.

Yesterday while we were swimming and paddling around Ontario Place, we witnessed a crew of Ellis Don workers illegally moving a fence so it would be right down at the water's edge endangering swimmers and paddlers who often stop to rest at this spot.

This would appear to be a malicious act, not mere negligence. Ontario Place has been closely watching our social media and responding with acts of aggression.  There's a pattern of following our social media, e.g. when I posted that I was running late but was changing and would be down to the beach shortly, a security guard rushed to the men's washroom + changeroom to tell me that changing of clothes is not allowed in the changeroom because swimming is not allowed at Ontario Place.  On another occasion when a family put up a sun shade for their infant child, Ontario Place CEO Janet Gates recklessly drove onto the beach in a golf cart and told them to remove it and she also called security to report a "structure" on the beach.  On another occasion when we were cleaning up garbage on the beach a security guard called the police on us for picking up other people's garbage.  They also removed the fall-protection railings to make the beach more dangerous.  On another occasion when the beach was very crowded they built a fence around us and fenced us all in, creating more danger.  Over the past 5 years or so they've kept the washrooms in bad repair with no water for handwashing after using the toilet, and no toilet paper, with the toilets overflowing.  This helps to discourage people from coming.

Deliberate endangerment is an act of aggression.

One wonders whether the dangerous conditions along the Martin Goodman Trail are the result of negligence (or gross negligence) or whether they are an act of deliberate agression against users of the public space, in order to discourage the use of the public space and make it ripe for privatization and corruption. See https://www.swimop.com/2024/06/crashed-in-bike-lane-today-due-to.html

Normally one might blur the faces of the mere workers who are just following orders, but when the action is in violation of the law, they are no longer shielded from personal liability.

It was once said "Don't shoot the messenger" but when the messenger is breaking the law, we actually should shoot the messenger, and we should do so at maximum frame-rate and resolution.

Thus we zoomed in and got some good close-up face shots so as to help identify those engaged in criminal activity. It seems like they almost enjoy the work they're doing as an act of agression, with a congratulatory handshake on a job well-done. Please donate to OPP = Ontario Place Protectors https://ontarioplaceprotectors.com/donate.html and see also the previous affidavit with pictures filed with the court: http://wearcam.org/opp.pdf

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